Friday, March 6, 2015

[JOB Notice] article on “Josei Jishin”

"This is the translation of an official statement from DA written in Japan Official Board (my previous post). Translation by sis Tomato. Thank you very much sis for sharing!" ^__^
source: LoveBaeYongJoon (thankss!!)^^
by tomato

tomato99: magazine “Josei Jishin” had issued a gossipy article on 24 Feb.,
we actually did not believe the content of the article but DA has taken action against the publisher.

Source: Job notice
Japanese to English by tomato99@LoveBaeYongJoon

title: regarding article on “Josei Jishin” issued on 24 Feb. 2015
name: Digital Adventure, administrator
date: 2015/03/05 15:46:00


An article about Bae Yong Joon, “Yonsama, ‘chaebol’ girlfriend’s father in rage, heartless enormous sum of consolation money” was posted on weekly magazine “Josei Jishin” (issue date 10 March 2015) published by Kobunsha Co. Ltd.(Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, CEO Nobuhiko Tange).

The article mentions that “Bae Yong Joon received a large amount of consolation money, as girl friend’s father is enraged” the article is written based on false issues from hearsay and speculation.
On this issue, upon covering the story, Japan office was questioned about this issue, and we have clearly answered that this is not true.

However, title of the article, cover and advertisement for the magazine emphasized this was confirmed fact. These act significantly damages Bae Yong Joon’s reputation.

Our company have mailed our complaint on this issue to the publishing company and requested for appropriate actions, however we have not receveived any answer as of today. This same magazine have published articles on Bae Yong Joon based on false facts with speculations two times last year, and ended up posting correction article.

It’s very regrettable that they have issued another article different from the fact.
We apologize that we have received so many worrying messages from family members, and at the same we ask you to watch over Bae Yong Joon with warm heart in the future.

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