Thursday, June 13, 2013

[Flash Back] (Translation) Bae Yong Joon's Message for Family (2004)

"Although i didn't post anything in KOB but i often visit there. And today i read a very valuable information shared by sis Myoce, about the messages written by Bae Yong Joon on KOB back then. I know he once wrote there, but I've never read it before. Therefore i'm so happy because today finally I could found the translation of his message (Thanks to sis Myoce for the information).  
And I never thought, by reading his message could brought tears to my eyes...TTT.  Not because his message was sad, but because he wrote so beautifully.. ^__^.  And by reading his message we can feel the beauty of his heart. And that's one of the reason why I love him so much! Well, happy reading everyone. Hope you can enjoy his message as much as i do!" ^__^
Source: KOB

Tittle: (Translation) Joon's message/(번역) 준의 메세지 * ^ ^
Posted by koyukilover (no.18)

koyukilover: Dear my loving family *^ ^*

Below is one of many Joon’s messages posted here on KOB. I find it very difficult to translate to English because there is this subtlety in Korean language that can’t be directly translated to English, and many of his words are too delicate and sophisticated for me to translate. His writing is just as great as his speaking, but I just don’t’ know how to deliver the subtlety of the lines. Just blame my poor English~^^ But at least, you, especially those of you who are skeptical about him visiting this site, can get a sense of our sweet, caring, warm-hearted darling. Hope you all enjoy reading this~ ^^

Originally posted by Bae Yong Joon 2004-04-29 9:59:07PM No.442
Posted on KOB by Gaulyeoja 2008-01-19 No.46371
Translated from Korean to English by koyuki 2008-1-21

2004-04-29 9:59:07PM 442

Hello, this is Bae Yong Joon.

As always, I get busy around this time of a year when warm spring comes, however, the more I get busy, the more I think about you. How have you been? These days, I’ve been staying at home, enjoying my free time that I’ve been longing for so long, and thinking about what I had felt and learned for the past few months.

It seems a bit late, but I would like to send my regards and greetings to you first. As you know, I visited my overseas families for the first time. It was my first official visit to families in Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan. However, they all seemed familiar to me, and I could feel their love and warm hearts where ever I went. I felt that their love was just as warm and deep as yours. I believe that I couldn’t have received that much love from my overseas families without your love and support. All this was only made possible by your endless love and support, so, I would like to send my sincere appreciation to each and everyone of you. Whatever situation we’ll face in the future, I do wish that we will stay together forever as one big family.

Do you know this? I don’t’ exactly know since when… but I have to turn on this site whenever I come home, otherwise I don’t feel safe and comfortable. I remember this family once saying that she comes here because ‘there is human being.’ Then, I realized the reason why I am coming here all the time.

This place is the mirror through which I can look into my mind and deed. Is there anything that I’ve not been aware of, is there anything that I haven’t thought about?....

I do not feel alone because I can always feel you here. Nevertheless, there are, of course, times when I feel uncertain, weak, and lonely. But each and every moment when I feel your hearts and trust, I start to feel better and think about things for me to do. And once again, I start to have a strong will to live right. Living right……that means a lot to me. That’s one of the reasons why I came here frequently even while I was away from Korea for a while. I couldn’t have carried myself with such confidence, had I not feel your support and trust from far away.

Recently, there has been a growing foreign interest in us, and I find some of their media and press coverage being exploited for a commercial purpose only. I am very well aware of your growing anxiety and concern about this phenomenon. I myself do not feel comfortable about this either. But I think this is something inevitable as we are living in the world that is often driven by commercial interest.

Regarding some of the foreign media/ press coverage, please do not mind. The only thing that I am worried about is you, my family being hurt by those who don’t know me well spreading unidentified words and rumors. Of course, if I find anything unbearable, I will take my action. I am always carefully monitoring the media and press coverage, so please don’t worry about me. But as long as they keep an appropriate distance, I find most of them insignificant and bearable enough for us to laugh at.

What matters the most is that I won’t be swayed, and that I will always stand strong. It’s because I am very well aware of what to do, and my duties and responsibilities whenever I think about you. Painful, yet I think of it as a learning process for me to adapt to a new situation.

Dear my family! This is our place, our home filled with full of love and warm hearts. I admire you, and I am very proud of you. Please don’t worry about me. Everything will be fine.

There might be some change happening to us in the near future. But, I would like you to think of this as a learning process and opportunity for us to progress. I won’t just say with words that I understand you. What I think is of utmost importance is to prepare for a bigger picture in the future.

Of course, I won’t forget my duties and responsibilities as an actor. I am looking forward to a new work, and strongly believe that I can soon bring you good news. However, I promise that I will look for things that we can do together in the near future, as I know that I can not go through, and hold my tough position all alone without the enormous energy that I’ve received from you.

In fact, I’ve been thinking a lot about things that we can possibly do together in the future, and I am slowly preparing for them, step by step. We could possibly make a space where we can communicate in comfort, or there might be things that we can do together with our overseas families. I am certain that there will be many opportunities to open in the near future for all of us to put together our thoughts to do something meaningful.

Whatever I do and where ever I go, the last thing I want is to disappoint you. I would like to tell you this one thing, that is, that I always keep you in mind whatever I do. I promise that I will always look into myself in your shoes, and move forward step by step.

I am looking forward to meeting you soon with good news on a warm sunny day.

Wishing you happiness……

2004.4.29. Bae Yong Joon.


46371   배용준입니다. 배용준 2004-04-29 오후 9:59:07 442    닉네임:가을여자   2008.01.19

배용준입니다. 배용준 2004-04-29 오후 9:59:07 442

안녕하세요, 배용준입니다.

언제나 따뜻한 봄이 되면 일상은 바쁘게 돌아가지만 서로의 생각이 더 많이 나는 것 같습니다. 다들 안녕하시죠?
전 그 동안의 느끼고 얻은 것들을 마음 속으로 되새기며 오랜만에 좋아하는 집에서의 생활을 하고 있습니다.

늦었지만, ‘잘 다녀왔습니다’란 인사부터 드려야 할 것 같네요.
대만, 싱가폴, 홍콩, 일본 모두 첫 방문이었지만 낯설지 않은 가족들의 사랑은 참 따뜻했습니다.
그 느낌 역시 한국에서 받던 사랑의 깊이와 같았구요.
‘역시나 집안에서 사랑을 받으니 밖에 나와서도 이렇게 사랑을 받을 수 있구나’란 생각이 들었습니다.
공식가족들을 생각하면서 힘도 많이 얻었구요!

다시 한 번 모든 분들께 감사 드린다는 말을 전하고 싶습니다.
앞으로 어떤 상황에서건 또 어떤 기회로든 우리 모두가 한 가족이라는 이름으로 영원히 함께했으면 하는 바램입니다.

그거 아세요? 언제부턴지 모르게 집에 오면 공식 홈을 켜 놓아야만 맘이 편해진다는 거...
어떤 분이 ‘이곳에 오면 사람이 있다’라고 말씀 하신 적이 있어요.
그 말을 듣고 깨달았습니다. 제가 항상 공식 홈을 마주 하고 있는 이유를요.

이곳은 제 행동과 제 마음을 들여다 볼 수 있는 창이 됩니다. 내가 모르고 있었던 건 없나, 내가 미처 생각 못 했던 건 없나…
그러면서도 혼자가 아니라는 것을 느끼는 건 역시나 이곳에서 여러분들을 느낄 수 있기 때문입니다.
저 역시 맘이 흔들릴 때도, 약해질 때도, 외로워질 때도 있습니다.
하지만 가족들의 저에 대한 마음과 믿음을 느끼는 순간, 기분이 나아지고 다시 한번 내가 할 일을 생각해 보게 됩니다.
바르게 살겠다는 의지도 다시 한번 갖게 되구요. 그건 저에게 있어 너무나 중요한 의미를 갖는 일입니다.
그래서 이번에 계속 집을 떠나있으면서도 우리 공식 홈만은 자주 들어왔었습니다.
밖에 나가서도 자신감 있게 행동 할 수 있었던 건 여러분들의 제 뒤에 계시다는 믿음을 알고 인식하고 느

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