Sunday, November 27, 2011

[Response] BYJ, you do not owe anything to me!!

"I've read an article ‘By Chosun Ilbo, columnist Shin Hyo-Seop’ And if you are interested to read the article. Here’s the link:
And as a BYJ's fan I just wanted to write down my feelings as a fan. And with all due respect to the columnist of the article, my response which I will write here, just based on what I feel as a fan. Without intending to offend anyone, because I understand every person in this world have the right to give an opinion. And I appreciate it all  And i'm not also trying to forcing anyone who reads this response to agree with me, because it is purely from my heart. And i will respect any differences of opinion. " (^__^)v
Here's what I feel as a BYJ’s fan:

feel BYJ does not owe anything to me. He never asked me to be his fans, he also never asked me to stay. And he also never forced me to buy all the products which he starred, so if I buy it, it is  all of my choice and my rights as a consumer. And if i am now became his fan, it's all a choice of my own heart. No one told me to do it all. And  If he is very famous and has many fans, I think it's all because of his hard work. And also a blessing for his life. Besides, people like him deserves to be admired and loved as an idol.

As a fan, I must admit that I was longing to see him return to acting, but I am fully understand  that the final decision to return or not, is entirely the right of him. And whatever work that he chose, whether playing the movie, drama or just appearing in commercials. I will respect all of his decisions and still appreciate his works.

Moreover, please do not forget that after TWSSG, there were some works that we have seen from him, like he wrote the book 'A journey in search of Korea's Beauty' which was released in 2009. Then in 2010, he worked the voice for the entire episodes of  ‘Winter Sonata Anime’ and appeared in the final episode. And in 2011 he returned to work as a producer for the drama ‘Dream High’ and appeared as a cameo. And as far as I know, he even got sick and had to be hospitalized, because of fatigue work. Does all of that not count as a work??? *ohh please..*(><);; 
And I also understand that in addition he is a big star,  he is only a  human. And he deserves to gain happiness through his own way. Threfore, seeing him return to acting is  not the main thing for me.  Because above all, the most important thing for me is to see him healthy and happy in life.

Actually since I became his fan, I’ve learned many of good things through his life, which I can not say one by one in here. So maybe, I who owed much to him. Therefore, someday if there is a chance I really would like to say thank you to him. Thank you for everything!! (^__^)

So to BYJssi, “….don’t come back if only because of pressure. But please come back  because you're ready.…”  Besides we're fans who love youwill keep waiting for you. No matter how longAnd will continue to support you.  Just follow your heart.  And …… i 'll follow you!!  hehehe (^__^)

And even you never coming back, you will still have a special place in my heart.

So please remember, you did not owe anything to me and you did not make me dissapointed.
I love you and I’m so proud of you!!

With Love,
yours fan

Ps: For you!!

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