Thursday, September 22, 2011

[News Trans]Yonsama Bae Yong Joon received thousands of “Thank You” letters from Japan Tsunami victims.

source : suehan's blog

Newsen 2011-09-22 15:13

[Newsen Reporter Jang Hyo Jin]

Bae Yong Joon received thousands of “Thank You” letters from Japan Tsunami victims.

According to “Nikkan Sports” of Japan, Bae Yong Joon received thousands of “Thank You” letters from Japan Tsunami victims. On March 15th, as a foreigner, Bae Yong Joon donated one billion won for the disaster, fifteen thousands of blankets and 3 medical vehicles which were delivered to the damaged areas. Victims who received relief items from Bae Yong Joon wrote him letters or sent pictures.

The letters showed their gratitude by saying, “I appreciate you sending us water and drinks which are the items mostly needed at a shelter.”, “I can’t repay you right now, but I’m going to learn Korean earnestly to show my gratitude in Korean.”.

Nikkan Sports said, after Bae Yong Joon read all the letters, that he expressed his appreciation by saying, “I appreciate their efforts in sending me messages on the boxes and wrapping papers they must have had hard time getting them.”

Bae Yong Joon donated one billion won to the Cabinet Government Funds which was directed by Prime Minister of Japan to help Japan Tsunami victims. The tsunami occurred on March 11th.

Reporter Jang Hyo Jin; hjjang@

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