Monday, April 18, 2011

[Trans] Manager Yang talked about BYJ - Agency like a family

Source: xiaoyi's blogs
translated by Patty

67672 [여성동아]배용준 ▶ 소속사 식구들을 가족처럼 생각 [2] 가을여자 2011.04.15 127

Article on one of the magazine, Mr. Yang talk about BYJ, and best present from the number star.
Posted on KOB by Gauelyoja.

Mr. Yang said, he always take care of his company
people, BYJ always says I can't do the work without
the staff members. BYJ always treat the staff members like a his own family.

Mr. Yang also said, BYJ gave a foreign car for other manager as a present, and myself and coordinator
doesn't care for the foreign car, so we received a high class Korean made car as a present.

He also said, BYJ take good care of those who are on the bottom of the staff members, he always treat people equally. If BYJ finds out that staff members are having
a financial problem or having a tough time getting new home or rentals, etc. he always help them out without saying anything (Patty: what a guy, that is my man...the story touch my heart and made me cried). He always take care of the lowest rank people first and do things with them, such as excercise and workout together.

Manager, Yang Keunwan

[여성동아] 매니저 감동시킨 최고의 스타 선물은?
여성동아|입력 2011.04.15 09:37|수정 2011.04.15 09:37

배용준 ▶ 소속사 식구들을 가족처럼 생각
"형은 자신이 소고기 먹을 때 우리가 돼지고기 먹는 것을 원치 않아요. 함께 일하는 매니저를 소중한 존재로 여기고, 자신이 활동하는 데 없어서는 안 될 사람이라고 늘 추어올리죠. 다른 매니저에게 외제차를 선물했고, 저와 코디네이터는 개인적으로 외제차를 선호하지 않아 국산 고급 승용차를 선물로 받았어요. 그리고 가족(소속사 식구들)들이 집을 얻거나 금전적으로 필요한 일이 생기면 말없이 도움을 줬고요. 형은 '너희가 먹고사는 데 힘들면 나와 일할 때 다른 생각을 하지 않겠느냐'는 말을 자주 해요. 지금도 말단 직원부터 챙기고 그들과 함께 운동하는 것을 즐기죠." 매니저 양근환

*용준님 부분만 발췌 했습니다..^^

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